Past Internships
Undergraduate internships :
- 2011 : Guillaume Andrieu worked on scalability of termination
algorithms. Co advised with C. Alias. See
the research
- 2012 : Jean-Marie Vincenti developped an interface to simulate
Communicating regular
processes. The report.
- 2013 : Christophe Bacara developped some light pointer analyses
with LLVM (the report), and Lucas
Seguinot (co advised with D. Monniaux) worked on
a new algorithm for termination (the report).
- 2014 : 2 M1 students from UnivLyon1 (Jan/Feb2014) : Aurelien
Chemier : Pointers in LLVM and Antoine Vugliano
: Numerical
invariants for Faust.
- 2015 : 2 M1 students from UnivLyon1 (Jan/Feb2015) : Tristan Dubois
: Pointer
arithmetic in LLVM and Marc Vincenti
: Comparison
of termination benchmarks. See
also Termite's
- 2016 : Emilie Grunenberger: L3 internship co-supervised
with Laure Daviaud (Plume),
on complexity
- 2017 : Romain Fontaine: L3 internship coadvised with Lionel
Morel (Socrate, Insa Lyon),
on polyhedral
dataflow, and Szabolcs-Marton Bagoly, also coadvised with
Lionel Morel,
on array
properties of Lustre programs.
- 2018 : Arthur Gontier, L3 internship, coadvised with Lionel Morel, on smt solving of Lustre array programs and iterators.
- 2019 : Julian Bruyat's POM (dev project), coadvised with Matthieu Moy, on llvm pass evaluation ;
Sébastien Michelland, M1 internship coadvised with Sebastien
Mosser (UQAM) and Matthieu Moy, on software evolution in the context of the LLVM
compiler [CAPESA PROJECT].
- 2020 : POM (research lab project) of Valentin Millet and Nabil Lambaret, coadvised with Matthieu Moy, on Cranelift Mozilla compiler ;
Avril de Goër de Hervé, M1 internship coadvised with Sebastien
Mosser (UQAM), on pass neutralization in the context of the LLVM
compiler [CAPESA PROJECT].
- 2021 : L3 internship of Melvyn Bertolone : visualization of LLVM probes [CAPESA], and M1 internship of Clément Allain: algorithms for type search, cosupervised with Gabriel Radanne (CASH), and M2 internship of Thaïs Baudon (cosupervised with Carsten Fuhs, U. Birbeck) on Scheduling data structures with term rewriting techniques
- 2022 : Pauline Garelli, with G. Radanne (TBC)
- 2024 : Zoe Courvoisier Clément (Esisar) Théorie et pratique de la programmation
vectorielle pour le traitement de flux
de caractères (
Master internships :
- 2013 : Raphael Ernani Rodrigues (Brasil) made a short internship
(2months) and worked on a new algorithm for proving non termination
(the report) .
- 2014: Gabriel Radanne (co advised with
D. Monniaux, 4AENSL Internship) worked on the implementation of our algorithm for
Termination (the
report). See
also Termite's
- 2016 : Vitor Paisante made a short internship, whose object was to
realize a new pointer analysis with M. Maalej.
- 2016 : M2 internship of Julien Braine on programs with arrays and
lists. (the report) .
- 2017. 4A internship, Marc Chevalier.
- 2018 : M2 internship of Paul Iannetta on polyhedral semantics. (the report) [CODAS]
- 2021 : M2 internship of Thaïs Baudon (WIP)[CODAS]
- 2021. 4A internship, Sebastien Michelland, coadvised with Y. Zakowski